I want to graduate in May, I nneeeeed to graduate in May. After six years I just don't think I can handle one more class! So I'm taking my last required class, Catechesis of Adults. Not someting that I'm especially interested in, but the only class that stands between me and the little tassle on the square hat. Oh, well not really.
See I took an immersion course in early January on the Theology of the Body (TOB) as my last elective. Thing is it was only a 2 credit class... I need three to graduate. So, after a few emails, some consultaions and prayer my prof from the TOB class is sponsoring me for a 1 credit independant study. Now all I have to do is 6 journal entries, a 12-15 page research paper, plan an 6-8 week mini series on the TOB for college students, while I am doing the work for my current class: weekly reading, two take home essays, an adult faith formation learning project and a resource review. All by the end of April.
Did I mention that I have a job?
So here we go... wait who's "we"?... off into the wild blue yonder... the wild blue yonder is a technical term for: "holy crap how am I going to do all this stuff!?!" No biggie I do have 90 days. Man I better get to work!